A Letter to My Young Son

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

  – Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)


Hello Little Myles,

Today is September 10, 2017 and it marks exactly 6 months since your 1st Birthday and exactly 6 months until your 2nd Birthday. A lot has happened since you have turned 1. Our family has had a series of ups and downs, twists and turns, and highs and lows. Through it all, as a whole, we have made it through many storms.

In one of our biggest trials, we lost your grandfather 2 days after my 39th Birthday. It was a difficult moment, but one thing is for certain, he loved our family deeply and expressed it with everything he had left in his tank. When we would speak on the phone, from the time I told him that you were on the way to us from the Spirit realm, even until the last conversation we ever had, he always talked about how he could not wait to see you person. Unfortunately, that never happened. Although I sent him several pictures and would let him say hello to you on the phone, I did not physically get you there to see him in Pennsylvania. That has been the most disappointing part of this whole process.

My Prince, I have learned a very valuable lesson from this moment that I will now teach to you. Life is not a game like football or baseball. It is not a video game that will allow you to get a do over if you make a mistake. Life will require that you make every move that you take count. You will have golden opportunities to be great and leave an indelible mark on this world, but you cannot hesitate, delay, or procrastinate. God has blessed you with the very best genes from your mom and I and the world is truly yours for the taking.

Son, even with that statement, I wish that I could tell you that life would always be a bed of roses, but I’m not going to lie to you. Life can and will be challenging. You will experience some tough time, heartaches, and have some setbacks. But it’s ok, it’s part of the journey that will reveal your destiny to you. You’ll find that what irritates you most, is probably what you’ve been sent to this earth to solve. Don’t worry. Young Myles, you are created from greatness to operate in excellence. You have every resource that you can possibly imagine to do everything you could possibly imagine to do. Your siblings are going to be there for you. However, you have no room to be lazy or complacent because nothing in this lifetime will be given to you. You’re going to have to trust God, move quickly, remain focused, supply the required effort, and always finish strong!

In your life journey my Son, I decree and declare that you will be free of the struggles that in many instances subdued the free-flowing greatness of myself, your mom, and our ancestors. I decree and declare that at every challenge, you’ll stand tall in handling it and that you will be the example of God’s grace, favor, and blessings. I decree and declare that you will meet with favor in all your endeavors and that success will come free and clear without strings attached. I decree and declare that you shall guard your heart with all diligence because from it comes the issues of life. I decree and declare that you will meet, love, and marry a Dynamic young lady in the due season that will love you and your Divine assignment. I decree and declare that your dreams will be free from limitations and that you’ll be able to operate your gift with great command. I decree and declare that you when your natural nemesis shows up, that you’ll be fully equipped to deal with it handily with grace and swagger! Ultimately, I decree and declare that everything you touch abundantly prospers beyond measure and that lack of any kind is never known in your domain!

Baby Boy, you got this. Always know and remember, “The Life of YOUR DREAMS is WONDERFUL and YOU DESERVE IT!”™

Love you very much,

Your Dad

© 2017 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com


Cosmic Intelligence

By: Myles W. Miller

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”

– Mark Twain

Someone, who I had considered to be an expert, once told me that something I wanted badly to do “couldn’t be done because it had never been done before”… Then one day, I saw someone else doing that very thing that I wanted to do so badly and getting paid a king’s ransom to do it… I mean it was something that could have changed the entire trajectory of my family’s life for the next 2 to 3 generations!

The moral of the story is that if you get a vision and passion to do something, it is your responsibility to execute the requisite steps to bring it into fruition…

Also remember, witty prosperous ideas are like radio waves being transmitted at a certain cosmic frequency… Anybody in the area who has a properly working receiver (imagination) can at any moment tune in… In essence, you don’t have a lot of time when these phenomena choose your spirit as a conduit through which to manifest because someone else who is also willing, able, and ready to respond is getting the signal as well!

© 2016 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com

#MylesSpeaks – Food For Thought – 9/3/14

mmmThrough The Fire

By: Myles W. Miller

None could be strong if we did not go through countless wrong.

Rizi Dame C. Briz

About year ago, I had a dream that I survived a vicious fiery plane crash without any safety devices and walked away with only a few visible scratches… In the hospital, the nurses asked who I was and told me that was impossible because there was no survivors from the flight..

It didn’t make sense until today… As I look back over this past year, my life has felt like a plane crash. Many experts who have examined the “wreckage” have determined that no one survived… However, we don’t live our lives based on the assessment of experts… We live our lives based on our individual Divine assignments… If your assignment isn’t complete, people can write you off all they want to, but God will preserve you and reignite you to get it done!

What areas of your life have people written you off and have determined that all is lost? Where have you believed that it’s over for your dreams? When did you quit? No matter the answers to those questions, I come to you today in the intention of my mantra and motto, “Don’t Give Up, Don’t Ever Quit on Your Dreams!

No matter what the critics/naysayers/self-anointed experts have to say about your life, as long as you have inspiration in your spirit, life in your body, and soundness of your mind, beautiful things can still happen for you. You are designed to prosper and flourish in every area of your life!!! I love you all and pray that you place a firm demand on this universe for everything that God has promised you is yours and that you don’t miss not one speck! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET UP AND GO GET IT!!!




© 2014 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com

#MylesSpeaks – Food For Thought – 8/13/14

mmmThe Power of Agreement

By: Myles W. Miller

We all have different timetables in reaching and realizing that being in healthy partnership is better than being on our own.

– Hill Harper

As I have gotten more mature and seasoned in the ways of people, I have clearly discovered something powerful. “What’s in it for me?” is not a self-centered question, but a fair question. It is also a question that requires a solid answer in order move forward in agreement with someone.

Whether it be in business, intimate relationships, friendships, or partnerships, both parties should clearly have the benefits of engagement spelled out for them as an added incentive for continued interaction.

© 2014 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com

My Moment of Clarity

Myles Miller Motivation - GO GET IT!!

I’m getting ready have a moment of transparency and clarity and share one of my biggest secrets with you and hopefully, it will help you…

I’ve never liked asking for help. Even when I was a little boy, I absolutely despised asking people for help. Somehow, someway, it made me feel weak and needy. Those are two things that I never wanted anybody to ever attach to me. So fast forward through my adolescent years, past my teenage years, beyond my 20’s, and now into my 30’s, I still struggle to muster up the courage to ask for help. I mean, I could be in a serious situation and still rely solely on my own spiritual and intellectual resources to come through it. Now, in many cases, like a major league slugger, I’ll come up with the goods to get the job done in the clutch. However, in the other instances, I strike out more than the average person does. In essence, when I win, I win BIG, but, I lose more than average man does too.

So some people would call it pride, but as I’ve delved deeper into my own psyche, I’ve discovered it to be fear. The fear that somehow, someway, I’m just not adequate enough or even worthy of the things that I value most (i.e. love, family, career success, etc.). This belief and ideology has affected everything you could possibly imagine in my life. It has caused me to willingly to go above and beyond the call of duty in relationships, organizations, and friendships just to “prove” my worth, many times at my own expense and detriment.

In my healing process, I’ve been learning that as I learned how to love myself more for who God says I AM, my need to prove myself has been dissolving. Instead, what’s beginning to take place is that love always permeate from me. I’m finally at a place where I understand how to ask for help when I need it. Believe it or not, I’ve even learned how to say “NO” when no is the correct answer!

As I share this with you, I want you understand that you may be having an internal battle right now that is limiting the degree of success that you could and should be experiencing, but understand that somebody understands your plight and asking for help doesn’t make you weak! Don’t be ashamed to acknowledge it and get the help you need to overcome your challenge. It’s your time to come up!!!

© 2014 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com

MWM Show Logo

Be Encouraged

Myles Miller Motivation - GO GET IT!!

Sometimes in life, in a blink of an eye, the timing and climate is just right for the perfect storm to decimate just about everything you’ve taken your entire life to build! I’ve endured and overcome four such events this lifetime…

There is a certain resolve necessary to get back up when you seemingly have nothing left to fight for… There’s a certain toughness that is only forged in adversity… There is a reason beyond what you can see with your natural eyes that you keep waking up when you wish that you could just stay in bed and not have to deal with the circumstances and situations that you’re facing…

I encourage you today that things DO get better! My mom would always tell me that, “Baby, tough times don’t last always!” I’m not saying that things will be easy, but I am saying you can and WILL overcome ALL! Maybe I’m talking to myself or thinking out loud, possibly… But right now, I know that someone besides me knows what it feels like to have to summon everything God has endowed you with just to answer the bell for the next round… The future is brighter than any dark days in the present and if you keep stepping forward, that light will dispel the darkness!

“Don’t Ever Give Up, Don’t Ever Quit On Your Dreams!” +Myles

Love you much!

© 2014 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises


Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com

MWM Show Logo

From My Heart

Myles Miller Motivation - GO GET IT!!

myles silkyI accepted today that I’m not a traditional 9 to 5er, nor a house flipper, nor a great MLMer either… I’m not a dancer either so I don’t hustle and I am definitely not bad brakes so I don’t grind…

I am a professional and personal development and empowerment specialist who creates, writes, performs, and market premiere, top-tier, world-class motivation! I empower people to do their 9 to 5s and entrepreneurial efforts at a more optimal level by helping them identify what the life of their dreams looks like to them!

This is what I do best and I’m no longer willing to have a “back-up plan” in case this doesn’t work out. My Plan A is to succeed doing what I do best! So far, so good! Trust me, this lifestyle isn’t for the faint of heart and has cost me my life. Therefore I refuse to let my lifetime investment be in vein or a waste by being double-minded.

I have lost friends who couldn’t see my “vision” and thought that I was crazy because there’s nothing normal about the way I think or act. It’s no longer a point of contention for me, I love them, but not enough to try to be normal ever again!

In essence, I’m encouraging you all to keep your eyes on your specific prize and never let anything or anyone seduce you away from that which is truly yours! To flirt with the alternatives is to entertain the death of your dreams. However, I say this, “The Life of YOUR DREAMS is WONDERFUL and YOU DESERVE IT!™”

Love you much, now go get what’s yours!

Motivationally yours,


© 2014 Myles W. Miller and Lion Heart Enterprises  ——————————————————————————————–

Myles W. Miller is an accomplished author of countless articles and short stories on success, motivation, empowerment, and writing. He conducts dynamic seminars and workshops and is available for speaking engagements and telephone coaching sessions. He can be contacted via e-mail at bookmylesmiller@gmail.com